Tips and Tricks for Calming Your Dog Before Bedtime


Tips and Tricks for Calming Your Dog Before Bedtime


Tips and Tricks for Calming Your Dog Before Bedtime

Here are a few reliable tips you can turn to when you’re looking to calm down a restless pup.

  1. Make Them a Cozy Sleep Space

  2. Give Them a Gentle Massage

  3. Relax Them With Dog-Friendly Sounds Or Smells

Make Them A Cozy Sleep Space

If your tail-wagging friend doesn’t have a consistent, comfortable space to sleep in, they may struggle to find the will to go to bed when potential playtime is on the line. Similar to humans, animals should have a designated space they can retire to when it’s time for bed that feels comfortable and safe.

According to Dr. Lois E. Krahn, a sleep medicine specialist at the Center for Sleep Medicine at the Mayo Clinic, dogs like sleeping on human beds because they have a higher vantage point to watch out for potential threats or dangers. Not to mention, human beds tend to be more comfortable. If you’re having difficulty getting your dog to sleep on its bed, try placing a few freeze-dried treats on the bed each night. Your dog will learn to associate his or her bed with yummy treats and will soon be going to bed willingly in the hope of getting a tasty reward.

Give Them A Gentle Massage

Whether your pet member is a golden retriever, beagle, or terrier, there’s one thing they all have in common — they love being petted by their owners. Fortunately, there are certain motions you can make with your hands when petting your dog before bed that promote soothing feelings of relaxation. This can be especially helpful when trying to get a puppy to sleep through the night.

If your dog experiences anxiety at night, giving it soft, slow caresses down the side of its face will help them feel relaxed and allow the two of you to share special bonding time before bed. You can also try gentle, circular motions around their cheeks, which is another effective method for doggy relaxation. You’ll be able to tell which one your dog likes best by his or her body language and the rate at which they’re wagging their tail. As you calm your dog down, you’ll notice them visibly begin to relax.

Your dog may also enjoy a nice ear massage. Floppy and pointy ears alike contain a significant amount of nerve endings and release endorphins that bring a wave of relaxation to your dog. You’ll want to start at the base of the ear, and with circular motions, work outward towards the ear’s tip. Again, you’ll be able to tell if your dog loves it or if they’d rather be petted elsewhere. This also allows you to examine your dog’s ears for any signs of problems.

Relax Them With Dog-Friendly Sounds Or Smells

When it comes to dogs, whose sense of smell is 40 times greater and who can hear four times farther than us mere humans, they’re also susceptible to relaxing sounds and scents. Music streaming services like Spotify and YouTube offer dog-friendly songs and puppy playlists specifically produced to make your dog feel calmer.

You can also use some yummy scents and chews to distract your dog, which can also help calm a dog with anxiety. Freeze-Dried Bully Sticks are a healthy chew that gives your dog something to focus on and help burn a little energy. You can also help your dog relax by giving them a brain game to play as an outlet for their energy. Create a snuffle blanket with some Minnows and Turkey Giblets, and set it on your dog’s bed.

Reasons For Canine Restlessness

There isn’t one root cause for why dogs feel restless, which ultimately depends on your dog’s personality and experiences. Below are a few common reasons why canines typically act antsy and sleepless.

Animal Anxiety

Anxiety or stress can be a powerful force that keeps anybody from falling asleep, which goes for our animals, too. If you notice your dog struggling to get comfortable and constantly pacing, panting, or going in a circle, these are signs they’re dealing with anxiety. Dramatic changes like the loss of another long-time pet, a big move to a new home, or changes in their health can trigger anxiety in your animal.

Not Enough Physical Activity

This is a big one — if you aren’t giving your dog at least a half hour of exercise a day, there’s a good chance that built-up energy is the culprit to their restlessness. Make sure you’re taking your dog on daily walks around the block, or fitting in some type of physical activity, especially if you’re the parent to a large dog like a Lab or Doberman who needs even more exercise to stay healthy.  


Your dog experiences major changes to their general health as they age, and just like many elderly individuals in your life, they see a decline in the quality of its vision and hearing. As a result, their regular sleep patterns may not be the same that you’re used to. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do for your dog except love them and make sure their sleeping environment is as comfortable as possible. You can also look into some essential care tips for your senior dog’s golden years.


The time of day you feed your dog and the quality of the food they consume can also cause restlessness. You wouldn’t feed a child a bunch of sugary candy right before bed and expect them to go to sleep, and the same goes for your dog. Feed your dog at least three hours before bedtime and take them outside to relieve themselves before bed. Make sure you are using quality all-natural pet food rather than sugar-filled kibble containing between 28 and 45 percent soluble carbohydrates, creating blood sugar spikes and other adverse effects.

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